If You Want To Know How To Save Money & Make Improvements To Your Home, You’ve Come to the right place.

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There are many ways to improve a home, but all of them are costly. Here, we’ll discuss 5 ways to ensure you have the least cost and most value!

  1. Create A Budget – And Stick To It!

    • The word budget here does not mean cheap. Quality projects require quality materials. When we mention budget here we mean it’s good to start with a budget and then work your way into design choices. If you go the other way around you are likely to work over your budget fairly quickly. This will definitely save you money over the life of the project.
  2. Be Certain To Take Plumbing & Electric Into Account

    • If you want a big appliance you need to make sure you remember that there is more than just the appliance purchase price. If you want an oven, you need to make sure it’s attached to the gas or electric lines it needs to function. Showers need to be connected to the water line. If it’s a new porcelain throne you are after, it needs to be connect to the sewage. Always take into account functionality!
  3. Pay Cash, Don’t Use Credit

    • This is probably the #1 mistake people make when doing a new project. A lot of the time the idea is to save money with a new appliance that is more energy efficient. Maybe its a better insulated room or windows to save you money. The problem is, the savings get eaten up with the interest you pay on the new room, appliance etc. Don’t fall victim to this!
  4. Take Your Time

    • It can be tempting to gut open your whole home when you start renovating. We understand. You want it to be perfect. It’s your dream. Moreover, it’s your relaxation zone. However, it’s important to recognize that with each new room you add on you also add on more responsibility. Consequently you may end up taking your relaxation palace from heaven and comfortable to complete chaos. During these times, bad decisions are made. Save yourself the trouble, and pace it appropriately.
  5. Be Smart About Hiring Help

    • This is where we come in. Some things, you just can’t do yourself. we understand that. We offer top notch quality customer service. We’ll make sure we use all the materials & have all the skills you need to get the job done right. If you do business with us, you’ll save money & time you just can’t with the other guys.

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